Thursday, February 25, 2010

angels in haiti

my uncle, tom, was privileged to serve the people of haiti, as he traveled with the utah hospital task force. he helped translate the creole language and re-build an orphanage. he served a mission in haiti and was so happy for the opportunity to go back, albeit being a somber one.
i can't get over how beautiful these children are. their eyes look so alive, vibrant! what beautiful countenances! they give me hope!

he reunited with many of the people he knew! it's amazing how they are resilient even though they have lost family members.

Monday, February 22, 2010

1 to the 20

it's funny. the 21st birthday is a huge one for americans.
it's that one long-awaited day when one can legally go out with friends and get unbelievably wasted.

will i be getting drunk? NO!
why? due to my addictive personality, my life would probably go downhill from here. don't want to go drinking myself to death.  
a temptation? yes
will i give in? NO

here's to being a college graduate in december!!! and that i share a birthday with some of my favorite actors...patricia richardson, kristen davis and aziz ansari!

happy birthday fellow february 23rdians!

Friday, February 19, 2010

broke as a joke

money takes me places. it takes you places too, i'm sure.

it's funny how some people are loaded with money and others, well not so much.

some free to go where ever they want, whenever they want. italy, paris, ny, you name it. free to buy a car, a place to live. free to go places with that car.

and then, there are those who are over-their-head in debt. see, i'm told that being in debt is no fun. i wonder sometimes...nah. i recall my hs accounting teacher saying it was such a pain to work 3 jobs to get out debt because he was $10,000 in by the end of college.

with money, i'm going places.

to get that money, i'm just gonna have to continue to seek work. it will come i'm sure. someday.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

the best is yet to be

Grow old along with me! 

The best is yet to be, 

The last of life, for which the first was made:

Our times are in his hand

Who saith, "A whole I planned, 

Youth shows but half; trust God: see all, nor be afraid!"

*Poet Robert Browning

Sunday, February 14, 2010


today i watched movies and ate chocolate. i indulged myself with too many (of both) in fact. dan in real life, monster-in-law, sweet home alabama, beauty shop, knocked up, and shades of ray, which may be my favorite, were watched by me. i laughed a lot

BUT, i need something to do with my life...........

like a JOB that pays!

i'm thinking of trying my luck at acting.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

these cookies, that's what's crackin

these cookies are legit. they turned out so much better than i imagined. chocolaty goodness is what these are. they're called crinkle cookies. they may even be better than chocolate-chip. ow-OW
oh how they crinkle in your mouth. i can almost taste them just looking at this picture.

kayleigh got a boo-boo, make that 2

so the last time i did this was when i was 5. as i was running to meet my ride, i tripped on a part of the sidewalk that was raised halfway above ground. dumb mistake on whoever laid the concrete. boy, does it hurt! i can't bend my knees without yelping in pain. in case you weren't aware like me, you bend your knees pretty much all the time. if i were a kid i know it wouldn't hurt this bad.

then again, i have nothing to complain about. stephanie nielsen is in so much pain. she nearly died in a plane accident after being burned on more than 83 percent of her body  i am a religious reader of her blog because her positive outlook on life is inspiring.

Monday, February 8, 2010

this life ain't a competition

on my mind: how easy it is to get wrapped up in this idea of competition against each other. survival of the fittest, competing for grades, etc. i've come to the conclusion that it's not a healthy mindset. for some it can be a method of motivation, but not me. i find that in this mindset, when i don't get that A on a test or paper and someone flaunts their perfect score, i feel not so swell. the point is, someone's score shouldn't matter. it's about me. it's about the fact that i did my best. that's what matters. life is about learning and improving, not showing people up. talk about pride. we can all flaunt our successes or embrace every ones' abilities.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

parks and rec so funny

leslie to the librarian: you're pretty cocky for someone whose job is obsolete because of the internet. hahaha

Friday, February 5, 2010


no need for rainbows now hahaha 
are these a stack of glorified beauty or what?!
i'm gonna make 'em someday

Thursday, February 4, 2010

don't let 'em get the best of you

one word: rudy. that was just what i needed. no time to quit. i'd regret it. must work hard. won't get something for nothing. rudy. the essence of persistence.  the essence of dilligence.

buck up k.

in this lifetime, you don't have to prove anything to anybody except yourself. profound, that is. it's not like proving myself to everybody gets me anywhere. proving myself only makes me disappointed.  

don't quit k.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

still bored to death

ok, so bored is an understatement. i've come to the conclusion that a job will cure this predicament of which i find myself.  sleeping all day, web surfing, and studying occasionally just isn't cutting it. it's not fulfilling. and my pr program is in the running for top 5 in the nation. so much for being able to get a job. ha    

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

ode to moaning

really wish i could find a stinking job right now. oh how the world revolves around money. i want money darn't. really wish i could buy a new laptop cause mine's heavy and my optical drive doesn't function.
really wish life was a lot easier than it is.
really wish that i had a plan for getting a job after i graduate.
really wish i could get out of school now with a degree (i know, oxymoron aside the previous wish, but still how i feel)
really wish i was in a better mood.

gosh, i sound awful.
what the h is wrong with me? i didn't lose everything like too many did from an earthquake.

p.s. some say venting and moaning about life is ridiculous but i disagree today. it's a simple pleasure because frankly there's nothing to be stoked about right now.