Sunday, November 14, 2010

mean blues

There's a reason no one ever says, "Thank God it's Sunday!"
For 63 percent of us, it's a stressful and gloomy day, according to a poll. "The rush-rush work mentality can start to kick in by Sunday, leaving us feeling moody and anxious about what lies ahead," says Libby Gill, a life coach in Los Angeles. Instead of ending the weekend with a whimper, fend off the doldrums by trying one (or all) of these stay-serene strategies.
SUNDAY BUMMER: All good things must end
"There's nothing to look forward to on Sunday except moping around the house thinking of my workweek ahead," says Francesca Wodtke, 28, a writer in San Francisco.
SUNDAY BOOSTER: Spread out the excitement "Schedule some socializing during the week, such as a Monday movie night, and you'll have something to look forward to," Gill suggests. Invite pals over to watch a DVD, cook dinner—whatever makes you happy," she says. Just keep the revelry relaxing: Too many cosmos and late-night gab sessions can leave you woozy at work.
SUNDAY BUMMER: An out-of-control to do list "For me, Sunday means a lot of drudgery: buying groceries, paying bills, ironing clothes—it never ends," says Wendy Goldstein Pierce, 38, a public relations executive in Boston.
SUNDAY BOOSTER: Creative scheduling Separate your errands into must-dos and can-waits by asking yourself what's the worst that would happen if you didn't get to it. If skipping laundry means you'd have to go to the gym naked, for instance, running a load is a must. Picking up your vacation photos, however, is a can-wait. Next, relegate essential errands to off-hours when possible (the grocery store is a ghost town on Friday nights), or pepper them throughout the week. "Come Monday morning, you'll be less wiped out and more efficient," Gill says.
SUNDAY BUMMER: Work anxiety "When I was a kid, Sunday nights meant the end of homework procrastination," says Elizabeth Bates, 47, co-owner of an interior design store in Boston. "As an adult, I still feel that I-have-to-get-it-done panic."
SUNDAY BOOSTER: Nip stress in the bud Distract yourself early with something enjoyable to prevent tension from building up, Gill advises. If your stomach is still in knots by evening, leave yourself a voice mail at work detailing the problem (a stalled project?) and the proposed solution (a brainstorming meeting?). Devising concrete solutions helps clear your mind so you can relax and get a decent night's rest.

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